This edition of the Vulcan Steel Structures e-newsletter contains:

Vulcan’s Gymnasium Project Becomes the Foundation for the Next Generation
While Reeltown (AL) High School’s almost 60-year-old gymnasium was filled with memories of pom poms and game-winning shots, the time had come for a safer facility to pack with new memories and new Rebel fans.
“This is a historic moment and something that will be enjoyed for generations to come. We’re investing in the community when we do projects like this,” said Superintendent Ray Porter. “This is a win-win for the community and for the Tallapoosa County Board of Education.”
The new gym is a 15,900-square-foot building designed by Vulcan Steel Structures that will enhance this neighborhood and keep the school spirit close to home. The old gym could not handle all the sporting events for Reeltown High, forcing Rebel athletes to hold events in other facilities. Now, the Tallapoosa County School District will no longer have to shuttle students to events and can use those funds in other areas. The new gym is just across the street from the old facility and will keep the Rebel fans in the neighborhood, allowing former Rebel students and athletes a moment to reminisce.
This structure has 24-gauge FW-120 Kynar wall panels and 24-gauge SL216 Kynar roof panels. It uses Simple Saver roof and wall insulation and supermarket sidewall columns. First Team Construction Co., Inc. was the general contractor and McKee & Associates was the architect for the project.

Just Like Buildings, Families Can be Built
Tammy Hayes has spent over 20 years building a support system as strong as steel. Hayes is a salesperson for Vulcan and enjoys the relationships with her customers. “A lot of my customers are like family to me,” said Hayes.

Supporting the Adel community has become an important part of the Valdosta native’s life. Hayes is a member of the Ladies Golf Association of Circlestone Country Club. While the association runs many charity events, Hayes is partial to the annual Ladies Breast Cancer tournament. “This tournament means a lot to me since I am a breast cancer survivor,” Hayes revealed.
Hayes and her husband will celebrate their 35th anniversary this year. She’s hoping he’ll treat her to a round of golf (and ensure she doesn’t finish last!).

Industry News
Steel retains an extremely high overall recycle rate because steel scrap is an essential and valuable raw material in making new steel. More than a billion tons of steel have been recycled by the North American steel industry since 1988, according to the Steel Recycling Institute (SRI).