Steve Browning, Vulcan Steel Structures – Chair
Greg Pasley, Butler Manufacturing – Vice Chair
Ron Ambrosius, Inland Buildings – Past Chair
Ken Nichols, American Buildings Company
Dave Tomchak, Bay Insulation Systems
Tom Boal, Behlen Building Systems
Tim Schrock, Ceco Building Systems
Dave Koubek, Chief Buildings
Darren McGonigle, Konecranes
Mark Van Dyken, Nucor Building Systems
Steve Sukup, Sukup Manufacturing

Steve Browning, President, Vulcan Steel Structures, Inc.
“I am honored and excited to be the incoming chair of the Metal Building Manufacturers Association,” says Steve Browning, president of Vulcan Steel Structures. “MBMA member firms invest hundreds of hours to provide the leadership that helps our industry grow, and I am looking forward to helping MBMA reach milestone achievements in the coming year.”
“It truly is an exciting time for our association,” says Tony Bouquot, MBMA general manager. “In 2019, MBMA grew in membership and in industry prominence and we will build on our leadership with a variety of new and continuing programs and research. I am looking forward to working with 2020 Chairman Steve Browning and the entire board of directors. They set a great example for all of our members who devote their time to making our industry—and MBMA—as strong as it can be.”
Through its various committees, MBMA and its members invest untold hours to ensure metal building systems are the premier choice for low-rise commercial construction. These committees include technical, accreditation, energy, fire protection, insurance, safety and sustainability, and their work puts MBMA at the forefront of the industry. MBMA also collaborates closely with the International Accreditation Service (IAS) on the industry’s AC472 quality assurance program, ensuring a standard of excellence for all companies that have earned accreditation. Learn more at